For every hour a human drives, we only spend 15-20 minutes focused on driving!!
The main benefit of defensive training to an organisation is that any driver in a company vehicle whatever type, car, van lorry etc., is representing that company at all times, and if the driver is involved in any accident or road traffic offence in any shape or form, it will be considered to be linked to that company that the driver is working for or on behalf of.
The potential damage to a corporate giant’s image in this modern world is enormous, and could have catastrophic consequences. It is likely that a budget for driver training may seem expensive or unnecessary to some management, but it could actually be small in comparison to a financial claim and damage to image being taken through the judiciary system.
Therefor the “duty of care” side of things linked to the “corporate manslaughter and corporate homicide act 2007”, is something that all employers should be aware and guided by. The big problem being is most people live with an optimistic bias, i.e. “it will never happen to them”, however sadly when it does it is too late.
Over 95% of all road accidents are due to human error, and in nearly all cases the reason given was, the driver either failed to look or failed to see!

In a typical defensive driving course, students will learn some of the following topics...
Scanning the roadway and adapting to surroundings
Employing the two-second rule for following distances
Knowing your vehicle’s stopping distance
Being aware of reaction distance
Environment hazards
Sharing the road
Passing and necessary clear distance
Right of way
Speed awareness and adjustments
With prestige high end sports cars comes more responsibility.
In this environment there can be a certain amount of pressure for sales executives to showcase the car to its full potential; this can be demonstrated in a safe and road legal manor, with designed test routes. Delivery drivers (casual drivers) that could be more familiar with high end sports cars and there complex dynamic systems. The same relates to technicians that sometimes have to find faults that can be speed related.
Things to observe...
Restricted vision
Tyre type, and Tyre parameters
Power and grip ratios
Traction control systems
Weight distribution and Dynamics
Road conditions
Remember the better the car is built the less you realise SPEED!
Be aware of DISTRACTION!